art4d 249



JULY  2017

หมวดหมู่: ป้ายกำกับ:


WELL EDUCATED –   SISB, the latest project from Plan Architect, has more aspects to offer than just a classroom

THE MAGNIFICENT DUSIT THANI –   art4d revisits one of Bangkok’s landmarks before it is demolished

IT’S NOT ABOUT WHO HAS THE BEST BAR  –  While the so-called ‘culture bar’ is going strong, Ba hào 八號 doesn’t position itself as just a bar

WHATEVER HAPPENS IN PRISON DOESN’T STAY IN PRISON  – This Indonesian artist spent 10 months in prison creating one of his masterpieces

PLUS  –  Where good ideas come from…




Additional information

น้ำหนัก .5 kg
ขนาด 32.5 × 25 × .75 cm



English and Thai