art4d 261




หมวดหมู่: ป้ายกำกับ:


ONG-ARD SATRABHANDHU – We speak with this Thai master architect about  his practice and how it has changed since the 1970s, as well as his personal views towards architecture.

AMORN SRIWONG AND CHIANG MAI UNIVERSITY – art4d pays a revisit to the architectural repertoire of the self-taught Thai architect Amorn Sriwong and Chiang Mai University.

JAOBAN – JAOBAN is a word in Northern Thai dialect meaning of folk villagers and it represents this brand’s philosophy that aims to preserve the traditional ways of making crafts.

ZIMMERMANN PRIVATE CONTEMPORARY ART COLLECTION – Rirkrit Tiravanija, Richard Hamilton, Rafael Canoger… these are  just some examples of the names behind the artworks that are in this collection

CHIANG MAI ART CONVERSATION – Let us introduce the people behind a number of interesting art events in Chiang Mai and the Chiang Mai Art Map.

Additional information

น้ำหนัก .5 kg
ขนาด 32.5 × 25 × .75 cm



English and Thai