(For Thai, press here)

The feeling of never accomplishing anything substantial, of giving up what I started after a few days became the beginning of 365ohmanawat. By taking one still life photograph everyday for 365 consecutive days, this project is proof of my commitment to do something with the kind of consistency and determination that I had never done before. With my expertise as a professional photographer, the ideas and techniques incorporated to each image I captured are different from what I normally do.

Having to photograph products and food for advertising purposes, reality is deviated to render perfection. The longer I work, the more tedious it becomes. But that dullness motivates me to try doing something I have never done; to create something that is different from what we would usually see.

Some of the images may induce awkwardness. Some may give an opposite result to what a normal advertisement tends to deliver. But the experimental approach means that there is no limitation to what contents and techniques I could create and use.The photographs in this project are highly diverse, some may even upset people, some are objects and food found in our daily life, while some are the outcomes of my experimentation using techniques I saw in the media but never had a chance to try them out before.


Anawat Petchudomsinsuk is a freelance food photographer who loves memes and cheekiness.


