(For Thai, press here)
Seam Design & Architects
An architecture firm whose work encompasses both exterior and interior contexts of architectural design. The name Seam doesn’t just denote a connection between tangible objects such as materi-als or spaces, but also the abstract elements that are crucial to how a work of architecture is formed.
We have been practicing as professional architects since 2014. We officially founded Seam Design & Architects in 2020.
Bangkok, Thailand
We believe that architecture is a human creation, designed and constructed by humans to improve the quality of human life.
What is your definition of “creativity”?
Creativity is the pinnacle and crystallization of the learning process. It’s the genesis of something new and original.
When it comes to work, what are your inspirations?
One of our highly respected college professors once said that there is more to architecture than just the physical components. There are also other intangible aspects involved, and as architects, we are given the privilege to create such a creation. I find the honor that comes with the role of creator to be tremendously inspiring.
Three words that describe your work philosophy?
Man I nature I what’s in between
What is the project you’re the most proud of?
Every project, but perhaps for different reasons and aspects.
What do you do or where do you go when you have a creative block?
Going through my book collection, playing tennis, traveling, and talking to people. Getting away from work allows me to see a bigger picture or a different perspective with a clearer mind.
Do you have any studios, designers, or creative individuals that you particularly like?
Louis Kahn and Kerry Hill are two people who have had a huge impact on me and my work.

African School competition 2019 Isometric (Competition Project)
Introduce yourself to the people who want to know more about you.
We are a small group of architects who strive to build architecture that is responsive to people’s needs. We use our finest knowledge, skills, abilities, and experience to modify and incorporate eve-rything in order to offer the most appropriate and satisfying solutions possible. One of our convic-tions is that architecture is a seam that can connect, bridge, and create something meaningful to people in some way.