Sarah Okafor
Sarah Okafor

Photo: Ketsiree Wongwan



(For Thai, press here)

Share the Love, Save the World’ is the graduate project of Sarah Okafor, a student in the Department of Product Design at the School of Architecture and Design, Assumption University (AAU). The endeavor has been collected in a book alongside the text authored by Okafor. The book recounts narratives and experiences interspersed with motivational ideas that emerged during this undertaking. This book was designed, published, and disseminated through a partnership between art4d and AAU in conjunction with the commemoration of AAU’s 25th anniversary.

Okafor, a young designer of Nigerian, African American, and Thai descent, is fervently committed to the cause of fostering compassion among individuals. Her identity and thoughts have been significantly shaped and constructed by the numerous situations and narratives she has encountered and gained knowledge of, as well as by the generosity and kindness of her family and the variety of cultures from which she hails. These elements collectively comprised this project’s framework of perspective, which inspired her to recognize the beauty of diversity, the strength of cross-cultural connections, and the power of love and sympathy.

Sarah Okafor

Photo: Ketsiree Wongwan

art4d: Could you tell us about the origins of the project?

Sarah Okafor: This project is one of the unique projects commemorating the 25th anniversary of AAU. The genesis of this initiative lies in the ambition to tackle the pervasive issue of food waste by inspiring individuals to embrace actions they may not have taken before. Recognizing the transformative potential of small contributions, the project emphasizes the significance of shared love and awareness in achieving substantial improvements. By promoting these core values, this initiative seeks to illuminate the impact of individual endeavors, envisioning a collective movement aimed at reducing food waste. Through this, the project aspires to contribute to the creation of a more sustainable and compassionate world.

Share the Love, Save the World’ by Sarah Okafor

Photo courtesy of Sarah Okafor

Share the Love, Save the World’ by Sarah OkaforShare the Love, Save the World’ by Sarah Okafor

art4d: Can you explain your studies at AAU to us?

SO: In reflection, my time at AAU has been a blend of challenges and rewards. I uncovered parts of myself previously unknown, and overcoming the hurdles revealed a resilience I didn’t realize I possessed. This educational journey was fulfilling, marked by the development of numerous designs and projects fueled by my deep passion for design and the pursuit of positive change.

art4d: What has the response to the project been like? Do you think there are opportunities for further development?

SO: The positive responses received for the project’s concept and initiatives have been encouraging. It’s clear that there is potential for this endeavor to evolve into something even more significant. I firmly believe that when love is the driving force, it should extend its reach globally, surpassing horizons and going beyond all boundaries.

Share the Love, Save the World’ by Sarah Okafor

art4d: In your view, what will readers get from the book, and what is interesting about the book?

SO: Readers will gain insights into the challenges I encountered during my final year of university. It is my hope that they will come to realize that life is far from a casual stroll; rather, perseverance often leads to rewards that surpass our initial expectations. The narrative aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the design generation process, spotlighting its potential to instigate meaningful change.

Share the Love, Save the World’ by Sarah Okafor

Share the Love, Save the World’ by Sarah Okafor

The most compelling aspect of this book lies in my personal journey and the transformative impact of past challenges on my character. I aspire for readers to empathize with my perspective.

I trust that those who have confronted similar struggles will find resonance in my experiences, discovering hope and inspiration amid the hurdles I surmounted. It’s crucial for them to understand that overcoming challenges and effecting change is within their reach. They have the potential to be the leaders of tomorrow, and there is no need for them to underestimate their own capabilities.

Share the Love, Save the World’ by Sarah Okafor

Share the Love, Save the World’ by Sarah Okafor

art4d: What is your opinion on the role of designers in society and the world?

SO: In my opinion, designers act as representatives of society, and the designs we create serve as solutions to the issues faced by society. We represent people, and we are sometimes a voice for others. We speak up through the designs we create. We are the voice of many; however, the voice we use to bring about change is in the form of the designs we create. Many people may overlook the designs we create and the processes we go through; however, we play a significant role in the world. We contribute to building the world, and if you look around, everything you are wearing and everything you are touching was created by designers.

Therefore, we have a great responsibility to shape the world and determine how the future will look. That is why I feel highly responsible for creating a lasting impact with this project that will reach generations to come. I want this project to be a voice for many others struggling with their lives, to speak up for them and bring awareness to the love they need, and to advocate for the world and echo its cries to us. Things need to change, and it will only happen if we designers use our voices for good.

Sarah Okafor

Photo: Ketsiree Wongwan

Sarah Okafor aims to incorporate straightforward ideas into the book, using a design technique that subtly functions as a tool for storytelling. This approach enhances understanding and allows in-depth investigation of many subjects on different levels and aspects. The book questions traditional methods of learning and broadens our perspectives. It is a powerful demonstration of one’s dedication, as a designer, to address urgent global issues by managing food waste and sharing crucial information about current environmental issues.

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