degree show2024-ku bbit

degree show2024-ku bbit


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Bachelor of Science in Architecture (BBIT) is highlighted in creating architectural design focusing on ‘Green Innovation.’

In the 2023 academic year, several projects in the field of architecture create green innovation, for example, projects focusing on lighting design innovation. These projects are, first of all, ‘Exotic Pet Hospital’. The idea of this project is to let exotic animals return to their natural home, creating a ‘tree house’ concept. Also, there is a green innovation of the daylighting design technique in the ward to provide the optimal lighting level for each type of exotic pet. The second project is ‘Sanctuary of Mindfulness for Urbanists.’ The main concept of this project is to promote the development of awareness through building use with an emphasis on the ‘Phassa’ or ‘senses of physical and mental contact’ as well as daylight.

Moreover, there is also a project focusing on the innovation of sound and music design. This project is ‘Lo-fi Music Center’. In this project, the characteristics of ‘Lo-fi’ music are used to design architectural elements. Also, the music classroom features are designed to meet acoustic and lighting requirements. Moreover, there is a project that focuses on designing innovative health solutions or ‘Well-Being Design.’ This project is ‘Well-Being Housing for Low income Makkasan.’ Lastly, there is a project concerning innovation responding to aging people, which is ‘Condominium and Healthcare for the Elderly.’ Thus, this academic year’s projects not only focus on new dimensions of architectural design but also promote the creation of ‘Green Innovation’ in the architectural design field once again.


degree show2024- ku bbit

Exotic Pet Hospital
by Anchasa Boonsri

Exotic pets are popular in Thailand nowadays, although there are only a few exotic pet hospitals. An exotic pet hospital is a place for the use of medical staff, owners and exotic society in terms of treatment and academic aspects. The outstanding characteristic of this project is the design for exotic pets that feel like going back home. The main concept of this project is ‘Treehouse.’ This is because ‘Tree’ is their original home.

This project brings elements of parts of the tree to be analyzed, such as the distribution of branches, color, leaves, light through the tree’s brushes and nourishment by water. The elements were transformed into a central court using the concept of a ‘tree house’ as a center of pathways between functions while this central area also worked as a wind distributor to other areas. The project is surrounded by nature, and green areas are inserted in every part of the project, creating a comfortable environment suitable for each type of exotic animal for healing effects such as daylighting.

Student: Anchasa Boonsri
Advisor: Associate Professor Dr. Nuanwan Tuaycharoen
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degree show2024-ku bbit

Sanctuary of Mindfulness for Urbanist
by Pranpreeya Boonchuay

Mindfulness meditation is developing consciousness to achieve mindfulness or creating remembrance by staying in the present moment. Practicing mindfulness is beneficial for physical health and well-being, mental health and a way of life. There are many ways to practice mindfulness, such as sitting and focusing on breathing in and out and doing exercises. This project is, therefore, a place that brings together various methods of mindfulness to create options for those who are interested.

The main design concept is ‘Praise the Light – Shines Through the Mind’. The meaning of this concept is to promote the development of awareness for relieving stress through building use with an emphasis on the ‘Phassa’ or ‘senses of physical and mental contact.’ It focuses on spatial perception and promoting space usage through brightness and natural light. For example, this project uses walls to reduce natural light entering the building to create dim lighting, promoting a sense of calm and drilling openings in the walkways to be consistent with walking meditation.

Student: Pranpreeya Boonchuay
Advisor: Associate Professor Dr. Nuanwan Tuaycharoen
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degree show2024-ku bbit

Lo-fi Music Center
by Tanaree Supithak

‘Lo-fi Music Center Project’ aims to respond to the problem of a lack of easily accessible space for holding music events and a lack of space, as well as being a place ready for all weather conditions in Thailand. By using ‘Lo-fi’ music, the architecture of this project is regarded as solving the emotional problems of people in Thai society. This project is, therefore, a center for all types of ‘Lo-fi’ music activities.

‘Lo-fi music’ is a music genre consisting of natural sounds; therefore, it is suitable for listening to enhance concentration and stability of the emotional state. Based on the concept of ‘Lo-fi high and fly,’ various areas within the project have been comprehensively designed, including the shape of the building, building layout, and landscape. The designs were carried out with regard to the use of low-fidelity sound waves, colors, and materials that give a feeling of cloudiness, lightness, and comfort from the characteristics of Lo-fi music. Also, to achieve this concept, the shape of the building is floating to make the user feel calm, which is a soothing feeling while listening to Lo-fi music.

Student: Tanaree Supithak
Advisor: Associate Professor Dr. Nuanwan Tuaycharoen
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degree show2024-ku bbit

Well-Being Housing for Low income Makkasan
by Sarot Kongthong

The problem of slums along the railway line is a problem of both economic and social conditions. Housing prices are higher than what people have. If you have a low income, you can own it. This situation causes encroachment on areas near sources of livelihood; small houses are lined up crowded, and most of the members are racist. Moreover, labor and society in the surrounding area were often decadent and would have social problems. Also, when occupying an area that is not legal, people living there cannot access the public health system. As a result, it affects the mental health of people in the community.

From these situations, the project is, therefore, designed to solve these problems simultaneously and, at the same time, deal with the problem of air pollution. This project will support not only people in the original community area but also people from nearby community areas who can come and use the project’s facilities, such as the community clinic, the community food center, the child development center, and the residential area with basic standards. Furthermore, the project is designed using the ‘Well-Being Design’ concept, which is applied to both the project design and development process regarding health safety and physical and mental health. This project aimed to serve as a model for urban development, taking care of vulnerable groups of people.

Student: Sarot Kongthong
Advisor: Associate Professor Dr. Singh Intrachooto
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degree show2024-ku bbit

Condominium and Healthcare for the Elderly
by Napat Winyagool

Thai society has entered the ‘aging society’ with an increasing rate of elderly people. The reason is that young people are single, and even if they get married, it’s popular not to have children. This is due to many problems, such as the rising cost of living, the slowing down of the economic situation, etc. Because of this situation, Thailand has begun to step into the elderly people’s society. Hence, there have been many business opportunities, especially in the real estate business. Therefore, looking for a place to live that is suitable for the elderly is not too far away. One of the residences suitable for the elderly is a condominium. However, condominiums for older people would consider the following: loneliness, feelings of value, and physical and mental health.

Therefore, a condominium project for the elderly has been created to support the aging society today, and in the future, that is likely to increase dramatically. The highlight of this condominium for the elderly is that the entire project will be a group of people who live only in the elderly after retirement for living together as a community. There are various activities in the project. There are common areas and amenities such as an internal medicine clinic, etc.

Student: Napat Winyagool
Advisor: Associate Professor Dr. Nattaree Sridaranon
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