Tag: Santana Petchsuk



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Human beings live in our surrounding environment we collectively call ‘nature’ but with our combined ability, intellect and creativity or even fear, we attempt to control or overcome nature through our inventions, both tangible and intangible. 

It is somewhat safe to say that our abilities to sense and experience the supernatural does not need to rely on any special power nor sense, but rather a look into our own surrounding environment. We may be able to see supernatural powers or even a miracle we ourselves create. We eventually perceive them as normal even though such things have always been supernatural from the very beginning.


Santana Petchsuk, an independent photographer with an interest in art and psychology considers photography as a tool that helps convey his views and thoughts on certain matters. Misplacement and imperfection have always been what he finds appealing, for they implicate and reflect behaviors and thought processes from which such fault originates. Petchsuk’s current focus is on still life photography and collage art. 

ig: @santanapetchsuk