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Whenever there is a discussion about tiling innovations by Thai brands among the people in the architectural and construction industry, the Jorakay’ brand is one of the first names that is first mentioned. With over 30-years of history in Thailand’s construction industry and its continuously evolving business, the Jorakay brand has expanded its umbrella, welcoming the birth of ‘SEE Jorakay,’ a new brand with product lines of interior and exterior paints. The brand’s successor, Shintorn Arthasarnprasit, is now sitting as the director behind the evolution of SEE Jorakay’s growing product lines. As the brand’s next generation executive, Shintorn is known for his role as a young, talented businessman, but not that many people are aware that Shintorn’s other interest and role is being a designer with his own individualistic style, who finds happiness and fun in turning things around him into works of design.

The first time we heard about Shintorn being a corporate executive and design enthusiast, we asked him almost immediately if he would be interested giving us an interview. Shintorn invited us over to the SEE Jorakay booth at ASA Expo 2022, surrounded by waves of architects and designers visiting the exhibition space; a fitting backdrop for the conversation we were about to have.

art4d: Apart from your role as the executive of a business, we heard that youre someone with a keen interest in design. Could you tell us briefly about the things that particularly interest you?

Shintorn Arthasarnprasit: Ever since I was a kid, I would always be drawn to beautiful things. By beautiful things, I mean whatever things that are carefully designed. I tend to find myself being attracted to anything that is visually distinctive before actually understanding what it is used for (laugh). I think I have always been interested in form over function. Most people would prefer function over form, right? But to me, it’s the complete opposite. I look at design for how it stands out visually, what makes it beautiful and functionality is the last thing on my priority list.

To give you a better picture, if there were two products and one is packed with functionalities but the design is not that great, while the other product has great design but a normal functional merit, I would go with the latter. I’ll find a way to consider the function later. It may sound a little unusual but that is what makes me crazy about design and it was why I decided to pursue my education in product design. I want to be able to create something by myself in addition to my appreciation of other people’s works.

art4d: If you get a chance to design a product, what would it be?

SA: I have to tell you that since I graduated until now, I have been able to work on many fun designs like the canvas bags we gave away to our clients at the ASA Expo, I created the design myself and didn’t hire anyone. If the right opportunity comes, I have always had this idea of opening a restaurant with the design that has my identity hidden in every detail. If that chance comes, I think I will be able to design a lot of products. I will handle everything, from the design of the tables, chairs, the mood and tone or even how each dish is presented (laugh).

art4d: You will be a part of every step from a to z.

SA: If that’s possible, I would love for it to be that way. It’s like every other thought process about everything in life, design is always there, as a part of me. It’s always there at the back of my mind. When I buy something or do something, there has to be this aspect of design involved. I would say it’s an application of my perspective as a designer. It’s something I like and I get to study about it, so design has become an integral part of my life and the way I live.

art4d: With your love for design and you being a graduate in design as well, how have these experiences impacted the way you live, can it be incorporated into how you run the business?

SA: In a nutshell, it makes me more meticulous and have higher expectations (laugh). If something doesn’t look aesthetic or doesn’t have a beautiful enough design, I wouldn’t be interested. But it isn’t as extreme as it sounds. It’s more like if I have a chance to choose between two options, I will choose the one that has been carefully thought of and designed. For example, if I were to buy a phone, I have to look at the ones that are nice-looking, but the phone that I ultimately choose will have to match my personality, or something that will really look like ‘me.’ I mainly focus on the aesthetic elements, then the functional elements, usage, and other qualities and so on. It’s different for each person when it comes to the quality one prioritizes. In terms of managing the business, I think it benefits a lot because construction materials, particularly the paints, have their own parts in design and people’s well-being. We have to consider every possible aspect, from design to other physical properties.

art4d: Have you ever designed any products for your own brand?

SA: If it’s for the brand, I didn’t exactly contribute as a designer but I do help provide the direction of the products, especially the paint products, which is what I’m overseeing directly. I look at the direction we should take, the qualities the products should have, what they should aim to fulfill. For example, if there was an issue over certain materials that may be a cause of cancer, we can raise the issue that one of our paints’ most distinctive qualities is that they are perfectly safe for everyone, whether it be builders or building users. Our paint products are made 100% of natural limestone so it’s different from most paints that have chemical components. I can say we are the only paint brand in the country with this level of safety. But there are other elements involved  but I don’t want to get too technical (laugh).

art4d: As a designer or someone who studied design, how important do you think colors are for design?

SA: In my opinion, colors are vital because they help a work express itself emotionally. If you have a lengthy wall painted in the same color, it will look plain with no special dimension. But just by adding a color like red, navy blue or green, the mood is different and the space gives off a different vibe. That also includes the texture, which is almost as important as the color. It depends on a designer and how they want to set the mood and tone for a particular space. Our contribution to the design is more like a supporting team for designers. If the paint is good and can be used more diversely, designers are able to have more fun and broaden their creativity for their works with greater options we offer.

art4d: What is the current color trend among todays designers?

SA: If we’re talking about paints for residential projects, I believe that designers and homeowners are more courageous to use other colors besides white. We’re seeing more houses with the use of colors like black, red or navy blue, which is a new dimension of architectural design in Thailand. The shades that SEE Jorakay provides are a part of the trend as well. Our products are different because they are made of natural limestone, which gives a different white tone that is unlike the ones you get from the transparent acrylic paint. This is why the colors we create are different from others in the market. We call it the NCS or Natural Color Standard. We mix everything so that our colors have a closer shade to natural colors. The textures of some of our paints give an actual natural feel as well. These are the qualities that set our products apart from other paints in the market.

art4: We talked about your view on design and your mindset as a design graduate, were wondering if youve ever thought about working as a designer yourself?

SA: Of course I have. But it has changed with time and situations, and how I grew older. I used to want to graduate and become a designer, making a living out of it, but right now, I treat my passion in design as a hobby. If I have free time, I will work on my designs or my art. It will be along those lines now. I think with my love and passion for design, no matter what I do for a living, or what business I’m running, I can always incorporate design to my work in some ways. That’s what I believe.

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