Tag: landscape photography



(For Thai, press here)

During certain moments in life, there are times when we feel everything around us feels so special that we want to document them in the form of photographs. It’s because these moments may only happen once, it becomes breathtaking but at the same time so calming and captivating that we want to spend as much time as possible taking in every detail of the moment. An experience we can perceive through all our senses; not only through sight but by hearing, smelling and feeling every aspect of its presence.

To feel a sensation isn’t merely about waiting for it to appear before your eyes or having others guide you towards the experience. There are, ultimately, several elements involved in the formation, selection, observation, embellishment and appreciation of what is in front of us, in the particular moment when the world stays still—the time when all of the elements fall rightly and truly into place.

Trees growing outside the window, curtains bathed in the sun, grass swaying in the wind, mushrooms blooming underneath a damp log, an ordinary-looking wooden house standing by the road, a sea of trees and mountains, a fading image of leaves, an unfamiliar town, a noticeable presence of grass flowers and images we see but deliberately choose for them to remain unclear.


Warut Duangkaewkart is a creator under the name ‘lowerline studio’ with combined interests in architecture, art, and life. He likes to observe his surroundings, questions what he sees and finds answers from different beings.
