(For Thai, press here)
Architecture / Ceramic / Design Consultation

Bak Bodhi Pavilion l Photo: Chaiyaporn Sodabunlu Noted: Bak Bodhi Pavilion is a project in collaboration with the International Program in Design and Architecture, Chulalongkorn University (INDA) – The design team consists of Ann-pavinee Langenskioeld (Ann), Methawadee Pathomrattanapiban (Sincere), Napapa Soonjan (Luktarn), Natalie Pirarak (Tang), Natcha Thanachanan (Plern), Pheerapitch Phetchareon (Ode), Pitchaya Tangtanawirut (Pizza), Praewrung Chantumrongkul (Ping), Prima Rojanapiyawong (Pie), Slin Smakkamai (Kana), Tanon Theerasupwitaya (In), Thanapat Limpanaset (Than) and Yuhunny Baka (Hunny)

Bak Bodhi Pavilion l Photo: Chaiyaporn Sodabunlu

Bak Bodhi Pavilion l Photo: Chaiyaporn Sodabunlu
Since 2017, I have won various scale international architectural competitions, leading to setting up my own design services. Ceramic production began in 2015. It started for sake utensils, and later specialized in tea utensils especially, after learning the Omote-Senke tea ceremony.

Koto Tea Space l Photo courtesy of TAKANAO TODO DESIGN

Koto Tea Space l Photo courtesy of TAKANAO TODO DESIGN

Koto Tea Space l Photo courtesy of TAKANAO TODO DESIGN
I am based in Bangkok, but have projects in Chiangmai, Japan, for my architectural work. My ceramic works are displayed in both the Central Embassy, Open House, and the Central the original store, Kolophon also. Since I do not have my own kiln, I fire at various locations and methods from electric, and gas, to raku firing.
Thailand is a platform that allowing to collaboration with many talented people without much of barriers. Through the collaboration, it allows expanding the potential of design fields. Meanwhile, teaching and having projects from Chulalongkorn University, International Program in Design and Architecture (INDA) allows opportunities to experiment as well.

Lighthouse in Yokohama l Photo: Takeshi Noguchi

Lighthouse in Yokohama l Photo: Takeshi Noguchi
How would you define creativity?
Collision of various expertise, ability to find the latent connections, ability to interpret one’s personal experience, and knowledge of beauty in a classic masterpiece.
Describe your practice in three words.
Collaboration I Eternal Modernity I Joy
Where do you go, or what do you do when you get stuck on a project?
Have a Matcha, Sleep, take a random walk or meditation
What project are you most proud of?
Tea X Tech project. It is a project of collaboration between FabCafe, Midori-kai, and TAKANAO TODO Design, working from the Architectural design of a demountable tea house, digital fabrication for a tea house and tea utensils, reflecting Thai design inspirations, and tea events came together with a small grant from Japan Foundation.

Tea X Tech: Photo courtesy of TAKANAO TODO DESIGN

Tea X Tech: Photo courtesy of TAKANAO TODO DESIGN

Tea X Tech: Photo courtesy of TAKANAO TODO DESIGN
If you could invite any creative out for coffee, who would you choose and why?
I would like to meet Khun Somluk Pantiboon, the ceramicist.
He is an inspiration for a new generation of Thai ceramicists passionate about tea ceramic culture, and haven’t had a chance to meet him in person yet.