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Janus. Photo courtesy of Avi Interior

Notwithstanding the lack of vaccine for the new coronavirus, some of us, with or without cabin fever, will soon take flights, for business more than pleasure of course. Among the most severely affected industries of the world, airlines, in the past two months, may have suddenly changed from “Everyone can fly” to “Are you sure you want to fly?” While many of us used to want to get to our destination with the lowest cost possible, we now take our health and safety utmost. Meanwhile, airlines need to make up for the lost benefit after having grounded most of their planes too. Last week, two aircraft interior design companies offered a few solutions that would benefit both airlines and customers and should be seen flying with us soon.

Glasssafe. Photo courtesy of Avi Interiors

Naples-based Avi Interiors proposes a quick fix that can be easily installed on, and removed from, the existing seats. ‘Glasssafe’ helps create personal space for each seat and block unwanted air-transmitted droplets between passengers to keep at minimum the probability of virus contamination. Easy-to-clean, its transparent material makes the entire cabin look lighter than the opaque counterparts, also available, and, yes, lovebirds can still hold hands (with gloves), chat (through masks) and lock eyes (through ‘Glasssafe’), but kissing is not possible.

Also from the Italian company is ‘Janus’, or the ancient Roman god with two faces, which requires aircraft interior configuration. The center seat in each row is reversed and each seat has protective high shields, either transparent or opaque, on the sides and above, maximizing each passenger’s isolation and, more importantly, preventing breath propagation.   

Evidently, both ‘Glasssafe’ and ‘Jans’ are better alternatives to leaving the center seats unoccupied, financially speaking.

Janus. Photo courtesy of Avi Interior

Right now, the number of airline passengers and that of air freight are going in opposite directions: empty passenger cabins versus maximum full cargo spaces. North Carolina-based HAECO Cabin Solutions, a unit of HAECO (Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company Limited), have considered physical distancing and maximizing profit. A smart and quick move that went from concept to production in only one month: they’re offering not one but four possibilities of how passengers and cargos can practically share the cabin space, keeping in mind also weight and balance requirements.

Photo courtesy of HAECO

First is the palletised variant which can hold 1,000 lbs (453 kgs), and needs the removal of a few rows of seats while the aisle remains clear. Next is the all-in-one package storage device, good for 500 lb (226 kg) maximum weight, which makes use of the space on and in front of the seats for storage, and so seat cushions, but not frames, need to give way. The last two are the in-seat package stowage system and the seat front package stowage system. Each of these can take  240 lbs (108 kgs) and nothing needs to be taken out of the standard seats to fit them in. All of these four can be installed without special tools, and should also make pet lovers, who can never be separated far from the furry ones, smile now.

Glasssafe. Photo courtesy of Avi Interiors

And so these are a few examples of how creative minds work in dire times. Come to think of it, aircraft interior design is a discipline not yet fully explored by Thai designers. Maybe it’s about time for industrial design and aeronautical engineering professors and students to work together, now that the Thai government is pushing forward the Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO) Facility at the U-tapao Airport, despite Airbus’ withdrawal, in an attempt to regain the status of Southeast Asian hub for air travel.

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